Friday, May 8, 2009
10 Essential Traits for a Happy Life
1. Love of learning. A fervor for acquiring new skills, satisfying curiosity, and building on knowledge.
2. Creativity. A flair for producing something (anything) new, surprising or unusual.
3. Humility. Recognizing the true measure of your abilities and achievements and appreciating those of others.
4. Humor. The ability to find something to laugh at even in times of trouble and a knack for helping others do the same.
5. Persistence. The strength to work toward a goal in the face of obstacles, difficulties or discouragement.
6. Gratitude. A sense of thankfulness.
7. Forgiveness. The capacity for letting go of hurt and anger... of disappointments.
8. Appreciate beauty. The ability to recognize excellence and take pleasure in the good things in life.
9. Spirituality. The belief in a transcendent dimension of life.
10. Vitality. A feeling of passion, energy and being alive.
“Without a vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18. Do you have a clear vision?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Viximo Lands $5 Million in Funding
Viximo, which launched last fall, provides an embeddable gift store and showcase that can be integrated into any site, and also markets its own micro-transaction system. Viximo has formed partnerships with a number of Facebook applications, as well as stand alone websites looking to integrate their own stores. Partners include Always Athletes, which produces a Facebook app called My Sports Career; We're Related; Birthday Calendar (another Facebook app), and World Winner, a standalone site.
Most recently, Viximo released a landmark new development platform called VixML that allows iPhone application designers to create basic applications with a minimal amount of programming knowledge.
Glad to see Viximo is doing well. The platform is solid, I've been sending their Facebook Birthday Calendar gifts since last summer. Heading to the Social Gaming Summit in SF? Check out Viximo.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Calli the artist - Mom & Dad's Wedding
When Calli heard that Jay and I opted to elope to the Jonesboro courthouse for our wedding day she was horrified!
"No dress, no cake, no party! This can't be true," she said.
Always the solution finder she quickly set the stage, changed history and created what would have been an amazing wedding day scene complete with a cake, presents, and guests (my mom and dad.)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Happy April Fools Day My Twitter Friends!
Mozilla, Google, And Khronos Collaborating On Standard For No-Plugin, 3D On The Web
Yesterday the Khronos Group announced an initiative to create an open, royalty-free standard for accelerated 3D graphics within Web browsers. To kick off the initiative, Khronos has created an "Accelerated 3D on Web" working group chaired by Mozilla. The group will begin work next month and is aiming for its first public release within 12 months. Google is also planning on contributing technology and development expertise to the project.
Happy April 1, 2009. Trust no one today!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
All I Can Say Is, "It's About Damn Time!"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Google Trends: Kurt Angles trumps U2

Wow! Kurt Angle beats out U2 as today's hottest search. Hurry while it lasts... his 15 min will be over soon.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
You're too Much my Kaneva Friends -- Keep in touch!

I'm touched by all of the Kaneva member messages I've received over the past couple of days. Please understand it's been hard to personally get back to everyone immediately seeing how I'm trying to stay focused on my job search. ;)
To anyone that I haven't connected with yet -- the links, pics, messages and well wishes are very much appreciated. Please continue to keep in touch! All of you long-time Kaneva members are very near and dear to my heart.
All my best to everyone "impacted" by the K-bomb that dropped Tuesday at noon!
Be well,
Angie Gibson :: Angie Catalano Gibson
Blue Poppy Search Marketing, LLC :: Online Advertising :: Social Media :: Creating Customer Evangelists
See also: , ,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fashonista Alert! Fashionista Alert! Must Have - an Ogie Kanogie!
What is an Ogie Kanogie?
Ogie Kanogie is the creation of two Southern California women, who after experiencing more than a few bone chilling evenings and cool overcast mornings by the shore decided to create the perfect line of coats and jackets for women. They're plan...
1. They had to be soft and exceedingly comfortable.
2. They had to be versatile -- feel and look good sitting in the sand, on college campus bleacher seats, in the countryside or in the greatest cities of the world.
3. They had to be easy to care for -- machine washable, durable, versatile (and still great looking.)
4. And they had to be affordable -- every woman deserves the perfect Ogie.
Why must you have an Ogie Kanogie?
Are you tired of freezing in restaurants, feeling like icebergs in movie theaters and
visiting indoor malls set at subzero temperatures?
And that's during the summer!
During the winter months, we're always seeking FASHIONABLE warmth.
I just ordered my first. No, sad there was no Atlanta so I opted for the Dallas! I'm working on that though... look for an Atlanta soon.
Zero Barrier to Entry - No downloadable client, Easy access
The Virtual World Platform Wars - Zero Entry Barrier Required?
Current market statistics clearly show that complicated, downloadable 3D virtual worlds (like Second Life) are not attractive to the majority of potential US consumers online. In reality over 90% of virtual world users are in 2D browser-based services like Yoville, Gaia, Habbo and Club Penguin.
Will 3D Virtual Worlds Need to be Browser based to Hit a Tipping Point?
Browser-based platforms built with Flash and Java -- familiar technology to the mass market consumer and that provide easy access will no doubt be the first to succeed.
Browser based with Rich Media Features - Consumers Favorite Online Tools?
Zero Barrier of Entry means no downloadable client, easy registration and access, as well as open architecture to enable easy integration with popular third party services like YouTube, Flickr and Facebook -- and eventually third-party casual games.
Zero Barrier to Entry - no downloadable client, and easy access? Is this the only way 3D virtual worlds will go mainstream consumer?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Great Deal -- Shutterfly PHOTO BOOKS -- Hurry Offer Ends Soon!

So it's been awhile since I passed along some great consumer deals. This down-economy has had me avoiding the temptation to shop at all costs. But I broke down this week and started hitting the usual online retailers. Everyone is having sales but these two offers went beyond the typical 60% off...
Shutterfly is offering a FREE photo book. I had procrastinated since we returned from Disney World and not ordered any prints for the photo album. Boy was I glad. I took Shutterfly up on their offer and made a Disney Vacation Book. First I upload the best pics from the trip - 48 pics to be exact - then arranged them into an album. Saved the photo book. Viola! At checkout I added the coupon code "PHOTOBOOKS" and my total cost was $7 (shipping). It arrived 3 days later.
So dive into your digital photos file and create an album or surprise someone with precious memories compiled in a photo book created just for them! I'm very pleased with mine!
Here's how: Visit Shutterfly and order a free photo book. Simply choose 20 of your favorite photos to create a 20-page 8x8 photo book (valued at $29.99). All you have to do is apply coupon code PHOTOBOOKS. Shop soon as this offer is valid through 03/10/2009.
Free Photo Book Snapfish Offering A Free Photo Book Offer Good Till Friday 4PM PST.Monday, March 2, 2009
And the Ultimate Cheese Award Goes to... Microsoft
Tagline: Our fashion is cooler than our operating system
Are you freakin' kidding me! If you were busy celebrating Hanukkah or Christmas in December you might have missed Microsoft's debut of "Softwear." Yes I meant "SoftwEAR" not "SoftwARE"... Microsoft’s play on the word “softwear” is geared toward youth lifestyle. Way to go Crispin, Porter & Bogusky (MS advertising agency of record). This is the best you've got? Your best attempt at "I'm a PC" and using the streets to increase Microsoft public support? Wow.
Yes, for real, in December 2008 Microsoft quietly launched a t-shirt line called “Softwear by Microsoft” in collaboration with recording artist Common. Common, WTF?!? Some of you may think its unimaginable that the software giant would do such a thing, and maybe have thoughts of ugly t-shirts designed by software engineers or programmers. You'd be right. The t-shirts do suck. Actually the Common for Softwear shirts are a bit more designed and playful but the Softwear by Microsoft designs are an attempt at bad humor and self-promotion.
I sheet you not. This is for real.
AdAge says, with a straight face, that "Microsoft is pushing out a new clothing line as part of its new ad campaign meant to suggest Microsoft's nostalgic 1980s heyday..." It's no surprise that Apple continues to gain market share.
Microsoft just isn’t going to give up trying to compete with Apple and try to capture the “hip” Mac user. What Microsoft doesn't realize is that this demographic can smell a fake a mile away. How about focusing on the PC and coming up with something hip and innovative there. Something designed to enrich the consumer's life. This vain attempt at redefining MS's brand personality just won't work. It’s an unusual strategy, but on second thought -- anything would be better than those Gates and Seinfeld commercials.
For the play by play at the NYC launch event see Freshness Magazine's coverage,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What's HOT this Valentine's Day you ask?
Got your eye on someone? Charm them like never before with True Flirt, the iPhone® app that lets you send fully interactive, virtual 'Flirts' to the object of your affection. Each Flirt takes advantage of what makes the iPhone so innovative—tilting, tapping, shaking, and gorgeous graphics and sound.
Yummy. Sweet. and Salty. Spicey too. I'm smitten.
Flirt with me. I'm waiting.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Is Facebook Fizzling??? Search results this week indicate it's so

If the top 300 queries from the last 72 hours are any indication it would seem that what you don't see on the graph is the falling dots, that do so as rapidly as they ascended.
Facebook related search terms dropped from the usual #1, #2, #3 spot on the surge report to #190 this week.
The Facebook hype has hit its peak and is beginning a downward decent.
Trends. They fizzle. For shizzle.
In the end it all comes back to your core audience – your niche. If you stay true to them you’ll endure.
The riches will come from serving the niches.
Since Facebook started out as a site for pupils – college and school students – will their niche remain true to them? Where have all of the fickle twenty-somethings gone? Will the high-school alumni exiles from be Facebook's new niche? Is the next fad the 3D Internet?
A social entertainment world like 3D Kaneva?
Oh please oh please oh please oh please. (fingers crossed.) Oh please oh please oh please oh please.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Vicki Bites the Dust
I'm a "Real Housewives" junkie. So, last week we were left with Gretchen almost cheating on her dying sugar daddy with Tamra's son. Nothing happened. Gretchen kicked him out of the bathroom and that was that. It was very anti-climactic. I was pissed, but then Vicki fell... priceless.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tips for Surviving the Recession -- Lighten up People
The news is bad. The outlook glum. Is it really? Lately I've found my inner voice saying, "Lighten up" a lot. Every time I hear a stranger or someone in line at the grocery store complaining about the economy (as thy dump a never-ending supply of useless crap onto the check-out counter: Lysol wipes, plug-in air fresheners, 100 calorie snack cracker packs...).
"Lighten up"
So you can't grab a Starbucks everyday. So what. So you can't buy the 4th LCD TV with your HH Greg credit card because they dropped the credit line down to $500 bucks and you're still paying off the Dyson you bought six months ago... So. So what. Ever think maybe you don't need it? It's time we lighten up. Really. Things are fine.
Use that energy to help someone who is hungry and in despair. For the rest of us here's some good advice...
1. Put an egg in your Ramen noodles. It's good. Cheap.
2. F*ck alot. It's free and it feels really good if you do it right. Warms ya up too. You won't need the heat set as high.
3. Don't pout; make survival an adventure. This is your entertainment for the next 12 months.
4. Get rid of cable . It's a rip-off, and there's nothing on it worth a shit anyways. A good antenna will get you 15-20 stations once we go HD in February.
5. Eat oatmeal instead of boxed cereals -- Better for you and one/tenth the price.
6. Get a "Magic Jack" and never pay a phone bill again... I know you have a computer.
7. Barefoot wines $5.47 per bottle at the Food Depot. Good times.
8. Buy regular unleaded. Your car needs to make sacrifices too. I guarantee it will still run fine.
9. Dump the Gym membership -- get off your ass and move.
10. It's a great time to start a diet, and no one will no you're really just plain ol' starving.
11. Invite friends over to play cards. You'll reconnect, realize what's most important, and all have a great evening.
12. Beanie Weenies and mashed potatoes. I'm in the south.
13. Time to bite the bullet and be a 'coupon weirdo' when you shop.
14. Invite friends to your house. You don't have to spend the gas to drive, and you can get as drunk as you want, since you're already home.
15. If you can't pay cash, you can't afford it. Cut up the cards. One more time... cut up the cards!
16. Announce that your "going to let your hair grow out" and save on haircuts for a few months ($40 x 3 months)
17. Check out the dollar menus or kid's menus. Hell, it's more than likely a more proper portion.
18. Read books. It's cheap and you can escape the current realities.
19. Turn up the music and dance like no one is watching. Again FREE.
20. Beans are more than just a "musical fruit" they are great replacement for expensive meats. Beans/rice have been helping poor people survive worldwide for centuries
21. Shower together. Save water. Leads to #2. Rinse and repeat.
22. Volunteer at a shelter, then you'll really know what poor is.
Here's the original list.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Virtual Gifts Sooo much Cooler than e-Cards
Post the Gift Box widget to your MySpace page, blog, or any other social network profile to display all your irresistible interactive digital gifts. You can also:
* Unwrap new gifts you've received
* Check out all the gifts you sent and received
* Send new gifts to friends & family
Blog Archive
- All I Can Say Is, "It's About Damn Time!"
- Google Trends: Kurt Angles trumps U2
- You're too Much my Kaneva Friends -- Keep in touch!
- Fashonista Alert! Fashionista Alert! Must Have - a...
- Zero Barrier to Entry - No downloadable client, Ea...
- Great Deal -- Shutterfly PHOTO BOOKS -- Hurry Offe...
- And the Ultimate Cheese Award Goes to... Microsoft
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