Here goes...
I want to lose 20lbs.
Ok. It's out there.
I'm not sure exactly when it happened. Sometime between 2004 and 2010 the pounds started to pack on. It was definately gradual. Slow enough that I didn't really see it coming until BAM!
If I don't act now,
<--- that will be me. I'm not the high energy whipper snapper I use to be and so this go round I'm going to need a little extra something to get me started. I'm adding a thermogenic fat burning pill to my eat healthier and move more program. The diet pill that I've chosen is made by a local Atlanta start-up, Ideal Body Now. They've spent a great deal of time perfecting their own blend of appetite suppressors, fat burners, and energy enhancing supplements for a product called TRULENE RX. For more on the company or the product visit and check out the ingredients tab. Here goes.
Well, it's out there. The universe now knows that I want to lose 20lbs. YOU now know that I want to lose 20lbs. If I don't lose 20lbs I'm gonna look like a real loser. No turning back.
The only questions I haven't answered is what's my reward for losing the 20lbs? (I respond much better to positive reinforcement!) New shoes, new boobs... we'll see.
Check back for updates. My goal is to actually be losing weight over the holidays and to be back to my pre-2004 body by our annual May 2011 Mother's Day/My Birthday weekend in Florida trip.
Anybody want to join me? I prefer having a partner in crime. You can also get 10% off your Trulene if you enter the promo code, SLIMNEWU.
Seriously, who wants to join me?