Taken on
June 21, 2008 at 1:02am EDT
Posted to Flickr
June 21, 2008 at 7:47pm EDT
7/30/08 UPDATE: After all the blogging started about these pics the owner removed them. Usually I download and put them on my own server but not this time. Damn! Here's the one that still remains. FOX news posted the pics.
On June 21st, Casey Anthony was at this club in Orlando called Fusion and mugging for multiple pics. She's the one on the far left, in the bright blue dress looking really unconcerned about the welfare of her "missing" child.
I've been taken with this story. These side bar anecdotes are most telling...
Here's a great blog that is piecing together what the media is reporting, personal MySpace etc. info, and what the Anthony's are saying.
I really hope this is a case of a woefully irresponsible mother and that this little girl can be found. But after two-weeks and all of the media attention it doesn't look good for little Caylee Anthony.
There are more Flickr pics of Casey on 6/21/08 here. Plus the Flickr member just has some great imagery too, http://www.flickr.com/photos/jazzilonna/sets/72157605736646686