For me, work is something I do, not something I travel to.
(me doing an NPS and analyzing respondent data bad hair and all)
Here in Atlanta enabling employees to work remotely will make a big difference to productivity in the coming weeks, as USA Today expects "No quick end to gas shortage in Southeast." And employers sensitive to this everyday Gen Y need (more Gen Y needs), a group happy to be held accountable to results, will have a distinct advantage at retaining young workers and the opportunity to reap the benefits of A-level talent in the future. Word.
Citrix Online has a great tools to enable employees to work from anywhere, and they're offering anyone the opportunity to try GoToMyPC® Corporate and GoToMeeting® Corporate for 30 days risk-free and requires no commitment.
You can use GoToMyPC Corporate to access work email, programs and files, and GoToMeeting Corporate to meet with prospects, customers and co-workers online – just as if they were at the office.
From Wikipedia: Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working at home (WAH), or working from home (WFH) is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working location and hours. A successful telecommuting program requires a management style which is based on results and not on close scrutiny of individual employees. This is referred to as management by objectives as opposed to management by observation.
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